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Rowan Church of God, Inc. / CGI Morehead, KY Our congregation welcomes you to join us for services and fellowship each Sabbath. Who are we and what do we stand for? Let me tell you in just a few paragraphs. We believe that God calls individuals into His spiritual church, which Jesus leads. It is up to each individual whether to respond to God's calling (John 6:44) and what to do about it. Our fundamental beliefs include keeping the Ten Commandments which includes the seventh-day Sabbath (Friday sunset - Saturday sunset), God's holydays as described in Leviticus 23, among other Biblical precepts. We acknowledge that Jesus is our Savior, is the Word (John 1:1-14) and became flesh and dwelt among men until His resurrection. Thus, we believe Jesus is God (and was God beforehand) and is the Creator, doing the will of the Father (who is also God). We look forward to the return of Jesus (whenever that is - Matt. 24:36) to rule the earth with righteousness. Until then (or until the end of our physical lives), we are to grow in grace and knowledge, doing good works, preaching the word as a witness and warning (Matt. 28:18-20), until our Master comes. |